Friday, April 03, 2009

New words

Extract from News: "but this week's balmy autumn weather is rapidly coming to an end."

balmy = Adjective :
1. Mild and pleasant " Balmy days and nights"
2. (archaic) Informal or slang term for mentally irregular " it used to drive my husband balmy"

Extract from news : "Boy, 12, at the centre of state care furore"

= Noun :
1. An interest followed with exaggerated zeal
2. A sudden outburst ( as of protest)

Zeal = Noun :
1.A feeling of strong eagerness ( Usually in favour of a person or cause) " he felt a kind of religious zeal"
2. Excessive fervour to do something or accomplish some end "he had an absolute zeal for litigation"
3. Prompt willingness " they disliked his zeal in demonstrating his superiority"

Fervour= Noun:
1. Feelings of great warmth and intensity
2. The state of being emotionally aroused and worked up.

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