Thursday, December 20, 2007

Infation within 2%???

I was watching 8TV news and our Bank Negara Governor Dr Zeti mentioned that Malaysia inflation rate will maintain within 2% and still within control. Sometime I am really wondering how do they compute the inflation rate.. In view that almost everything has increase for more than 5-10%. Some of the daily comsume item even increase by 30-50%. But our government still can easily say that our inflation rate is still low.. can anyone tell me why??

Thursday, December 13, 2007

CCSE certfied..

Finally I am done with my Checkpoint certification... hehe.. congratulation to myself.. I am now CCSA, CCSE, CCNA, SCSA, SCNA, GSEC cerfified.. hopefully it will help my job hunting activity in Australia to be smoother.. Next in the queue.. CCNP.. Will start with BCMSN.. wish me luck :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Resignation finally

The day has come, this is the second I tender my resignation in Dell, wondering will there be 3rd time. The feeling was not good before I officially pass the letter to my boss, however, I have decided to do it. First of all, I email him on my intention to tender my resignation. Guess how does he responded? ... He sent me with the following instant message
Boss:"What's wrong?"
Boss: "I can't believe it you guys are leaving one after another"..
Me: "Sorry boss, it is a hard decision"
Boss: " Let's find a time to talk today"
Me: "Ok"
So by 3pm, he called me to go up and look for him, we looked for a meeting room and proceed with our usual conversation. He asked me why I want to leave? Is there anything he can do to make me stay.. Of coz I told him that, I am very firm this round.. I will be going.. So he ask if I am going due to better prospect? or simply becoz I dun like the people or work here? hehe.. I really hate to be honest.. :P However, I told him " the team is ok", Just I am looking for migrating to Australia. This is something Dell cannot offer me... To my surprise, my boss actually ask me, what if I can offer you to work in our Sydney office? Would you consider staying?? Haha.. what should I say?? I was blank when he prompted me with this question.. The next thing I know.. I told him, I would definitely consider.. Well, he tooks it and told me he is going to talk to my director during the night meeting and bring up to Vice President for approval on my relocation.. This really shock me, as I never expect he will come out with this type of response. I thought he will just let me go.. haha...

However, it is too early to say anything, I shall see how it goes, first of all, the VP must really approve for the thing to happend, secondly, even if they really offer me to relocate to Sydney, I still must see if the package is up to the market standard right? hehe.. Whatever it is, Wish me luck :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tough decision

It has been a month with preparation for our move to a totally stranger land :P many concern start to surface.. My younger sister is still yet to get her PR.. we are thinking hard on way to bring her along.. unfortunately it is simply beyond our ability to make it happend fast, so we have have come out an idea.. to bring her along to study in Australia.. that way.. she can be in Australia almost immediately.. my mom will be less worry about leaving her alone here in Penang.
However, upon checking with the Australian education agency in Penang, we found that the school fee will cost us about AUD17K per year, so it is a AUD34K investment. I have gone up to have a chat session with my migration, he is kind of surprise that we would like to attempt this, as he thinks that it is too expensive to do so, he advise my younger sister to look for a migratable job and work for a year then apply for the PR instead. I nevertheless convey the meessage to my elder sister to discuss with my younger sister... Of coz as expected she responsed with her unsatisfaction, she thinks that we have promise to bring her along and study there. We did try to explore on the possibility, but frankly the cost involved is just simply too high to bare. I know it will be tough for her to work alone in Penang with all the family members in Australia. However, at the present it seems to be the best decision for her future and most affordable method. What do you think?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


380?? 可能吗? 不会吧... 我可是非400 不卖哦... 哈哈.. 大不了收着... 别妄想了..


开始策划我的移民大计, 首先, 卖车, 卖屋, 卖摩托... 然后.. 丢信.. 走人... :P 希望可以在澳洲可以找到一份不错的工作.. 祝我一切顺利吧!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


世界上最远的距离 - 转载

The Farthest Distance in the World

The farthest distance in the worldIs not the distance between life and death
But you don't know
I love you when I stand in front of you

爱到痴迷 却不能说我爱你
The farthest distance in the worldIs not you don't know I love you when I stand in front of youBut I cannot say I love you when I love you so madly

爱到痴迷 却不能说我爱你而是
想你痛彻心扉 却只能深埋心底
The farthest distance in the worldIs not I cannot say I love you when I love you so madlyBut I can only bury it in my heart dispite the unbearable yearning

彼此相爱 却不能够在一起
The farthest distance in the worldIs not I can only bury it in my heart dispite the unbearable yearningBut we cannot be together when we love each other

世界上最遥远的距离不是 彼此相爱
却不能够在一起而是 明知道真爱无敌 却装作毫不在意
The farthest distance in the worldIs not we cannot be together when we love each otherBut we pretend caring nothing even we know love is unconquerable

世界上最遥远的距离不是 树与树的距离而是 同根生长的树枝 却无法在风中相依
The farthest distance in the worldIs not the distance between two treesBut the branches cannot depend on each other in wind even they grow from the same root

世界上最遥远的距离不是 树枝无法相依而是 相互了望的星星 却没有交汇的轨迹
The farthest distance in the worldIs not the braches cannot depend on each otherBut two stars cannot meet even they watch each other

世界上最遥远的距离不是 星星之间的轨迹而是 纵然轨迹交汇 却在转瞬间无处寻觅
The farthest distance in the worldIs not the track between two starsBut nowhere to search in a tick after two tracks join

世界上最遥远的距离不是 瞬间便无处寻觅而是 尚未相遇 便注定无法相聚
The farthest distance in the worldIs not nowhere to search in a tickBut doomed not to be together before they meet

世界上最遥远的距离是鱼与飞鸟的距离一个在天 一个却深潜海底
The farthest distance in the worldIs the distance between fish and bird One is in the sky, another is in the sea-

泰戈尔 - (1861 - 1941 / India)-Rabindranath Tagore- (1861 - 1941 / India)在网上找到这个说明,有谁可以告诉我答案。。。‘这首诗不是泰戈尔的作品。

第一段出自香港知名女作家张小娴的小说《荷包里的单人床》。原文是:“ 世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,不是天各一方,而是,我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。”


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Worth $4 Million -- and Unable to Retire

Commentary: Worth $4 Million -- and Unable to Retire

by Carrie Coghill Kuntz
Thursday, October 11, 2007 provided by

I got a call from a newly "rich" executive. Having worked 60-hour weeks for years and now ready to retire at 55, he sold his business for $4 million. He was ready to live out his dream life and live off that tidy nest egg. The problem is, to do so--on $4 million--he must cut his standard of living.

It's the plight of the "mMillionaire" -- the middle-class Millionaire.
Mansions and yachts are out. The mMillionaires who want to retire before age 65 or 72, find they must live in three- and four-bedroom homes and drive mid-priced four-door sedans and mini-vans.

They are your neighbors--millionaires who live middle-class lifestyles even though they may have millions in liquid assets.

These mMillionaires have between $2 million and $10 million of investable assets, beyond their homes. Many have sold businesses or inherited money, yet few believe they can retire and continue living the high life.

The key question facing the mMillionaire is, "Can I continue to live the way I am living for the rest of my life?" The answer for most of these millionaires is "no."
Just a generation ago, a person with $2 million or more in liquid assets would have had enough for a secure retirement. But not today. Combine longer life expectancies and the rising costs of health care, food, transportation and property, and you have financial challenges ahead for the mMillionaire.

When Social Security was passed 72 years ago, life expectancy was less than 70. Now it's well above that and may continue to rise with advances in medical treatment. As a result, the mMillionaires in this high net worth class are finding they must scale back their lifestyles or delay retirement. That's something most of them, who are high-earners today, can't imagine.
For many of the executives and mMillionaires that I speak with everyday, this comes as a shock. Often their biggest obstacle is changing their own attitudes about what their wealth can afford them. Some are reluctant to embrace projections about their nest eggs' staying power. They believe that lower expenses in retirement will offset inflation and lost income.

Even with no mortgage or tuition payments, many mMillionaires underestimate the effects of inflation, especially on the cost of health care services for the aging.

We find that people don't always want to confront bad news. There's no question that more people are accumulating wealth at an unprecedented rate. They're living the good life, banking on retiring when they want to and continuing that quality through retirement. What they haven't counted on is that retirement can be a 40-year experience and that conditions can change drastically. In fact, in about 30 years, people will need more than $2 million to equal the purchasing power of $1 million today.

Many mMillionaires who are used to running businesses or managing others often want very specific answers on how to manage their middle-class millionaire status. Unfortunately, there's no formula for long-term financial security. Everyone's needs vary.

But, there are certain principles that can guide the mMillionaire's actions. If you are an mMillionaire, congratulations, but there are still a number of things you should keep in mind--ranging from managing your tax liabilities, to taking a really critical look at your investment portfolio (are you too heavily in tech stocks or consumer durables?), and of course guarding your estate, the nest egg you will leave behind.

Carrie Coghill Kuntz is a certified financial planner and president of D.B. Root & Company Wealth Management in Pittsburgh. She is a registered representative of Commonwealth Financial Network, a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the Securities Investor Protector Corporation.

Copyrighted, All rights reserved.

Saturday, September 22, 2007




Wednesday, September 19, 2007








Monday, August 13, 2007


For those haven't get to listen to the song.. dun miss it..

Sunday, August 12, 2007


职场的黑暗, 以前都从电影中看到..从朋友口中得知. 工作了十二年.. 第一次亲身体验职场的黑暗面.. 还真的有点接受不来.. 首先我明白到自己在职场打滚了十二年为什么还是两袖清风..嘿嘿.. 都只因为自己太耿直.. 原来那些所谓的高层.. 都是些下三滥的家伙..都是利用他们在职场上权利, 替供应商给个方便而获得好处..

更恐怖的是当他们的丑事东窗事发.. 他们可以发起"共同"贪污运动而找个替死鬼.. 我的一个同事既然是他们的替死鬼..实在为她不值..

马来西亚 BOLEH 吗?

又是一个无聊的星期六.. 最近都在为了澳洲移民之事而烦..马来西亚的治安已经到了岌岌可危的地步.. 可是那些政治人物..还可以空口说瞎话.. 说是媒体过分渲染.. 政治始终是政治.. 他们宁可把精神放在一个把马来西亚的现况"唱" 出的人大费周章.. 也不宁愿对现今的治安找出个方案..

老实说.. 我对马来西亚政府.. 已经没有"期望" 但是.. 要到一个完全陌生的地方重新开始.. 难免会有所忧心.. 还好.. 我们一家的"枪口一致" 大家都认为"移民" 为上上之策.. 只是有点担心老妈子.. 不知她是否喜欢.. 我知道她不会说不.. 因为她都以我们的决定为大前提...

其实也没什么好怀念的.. 也不是说在马来西亚有什么大成就.. 嘿嘿.. 算了吧.. 还是好好的准备就绪..

澳洲.. 我来也!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Decision Point

In life, many time we need to make decision, decision that might deeply impact our next stage in life, decision that may affect how we live the next 10 years.. Sometime I keep asking myself. Should I just make decision that solely from my point of view? Or should I take others into consideration?

I understand that nobody in this world will treat you better then yourself. So should I just make decision solely based on my own thinking?

Saturday, June 30, 2007

life is full of choice

Sometime, it might not be a blessing, if we are giving too much choose, coz in term, we need to make a decision from it. The decision could be a wise one or it could be a completely mess up. It seems that human doesn't appreciate opportunity that is readily available to them. But they will be chasing thing that seems so difficult to get.. Ironic.. isn't it?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Another holiday??

Agong birthday.. another long weekend holiday.. nothing much to look forward.. my sister booked a hotel stay at Crown Jewel hotel.. so just went there take some photo with my new toy.. hehe.. my DSLR from Olympus..

Take a look at my cute niece.. :P Tooks some photos of her while she is enjoying herself at the beach side.. playing sand, eating banana... haha.. if u see what is on her hand.. :) I try to mass around her photos with photoshop.. actually it could be fun.. I plan to buy some book to venture more into this area.. photoshop seems to be a software that is not definitely for beginner like me.. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Mouse in the house

What a day!!! Mouse invasion into my house.. haha.. actually I only love mickey mouse.. definitely not this "tikus"... hmm.. what to do? I am the only guy in the house.. how scare also got to deal with it.. so I start my mouse hunting activity... guess what? I use the "baygon" to spray the whole cabinet to force the "tikus" out.. but the thing is quite "degil" refuse to come out.. so I got to wait and wait.. and even set up trap to "stick" it... however, it quite clever ler.. die die also won't fall into my trap :( after much waiting.. it finally trying to get out of the cabinet... I got to fight it with the mop :P finally I destroy "it"... ooh not.. I killed something during new year.. but not choice ler.. who ask u to invade into my area.. :P

Monday, February 19, 2007

Just an unlucky day..

This is how bad my car is hit by the stupid avanza driver... careless driver.. my car is the victim.. sigh... luckily it happend before CNY.. and I got it fixed within a day..

Sunday, February 04, 2007


有位老師進了教室,在白板上點了一個黑點。 他問班上的學生說:「這是什麼?」 大家都異口同聲說:「一個黑點。」 老師故作驚訝的說:「只有一個黑點嗎?這麼大的白板大家都沒有看見?」

〔默想〕 你看到的是什麼? 每個人身上都有一些缺點,但是你看到的是哪些呢? 是否只有看到別人身上的”黑點”,卻忽略了他擁有了一大片的白板(優點)?





〔默想〕 同樣的狀況,但是當我們從我的角度去看時,就會產生不同的心態。 站在別人的立場看一看,或換個角度想一想, 很多事就不一樣了,你可以有更大的包容,也會有更多的愛。



































往者不可谏, 来者尤可追

人生苦短.. 凡事岂能尽如人意.. 但求无愧于心..


又是星期六, 一切如常.. 不过在读了公司的email之后... 心情一百八十度的转变. 今年的花红落空了.. 不过..这是不是一个启示呢?打工一组.. 期盼的不过是一年一度的花红.. 在农历新年的前夕, 总裁竟然公布今年花红落空了... 说明了打工一组的可悲.. 一切都不能掌握在自己的手中.. 究竟什么才是出路呢?

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Dell XPS M1210

妹妹的新笔记簿电脑.. 我帮他买了一个notebook.. XPS M1210.. 是从Dell 的竞标中获得.. 原本是RM3999, 可是我以RM1900竞的.. :P 还不错.. 12"的LCD, 特别的娇小玲珑..

2007 的疑惑

看了身边的朋友的blog.. 自己也心痒痒的.. 开始了我2007 的一个blog... 不知不觉中, 我已经工作了13 年.. 开始有点累了.. 刚刚换了个工作环境... 开始检讨过去13年内到底有没有对自己的人生付过责任. 其实不然, 刚刚完成了我的硕士课程. 天啊... 我竟然拖了两年半的时间, 来完成我的论文.. 有时侯真的觉得自己太懒散了.. 现在既然已经完成了第一个不可能的任务.. 我下定决心要考取我的CCNP文凭... 冲啊!