Thursday, December 20, 2007

Infation within 2%???

I was watching 8TV news and our Bank Negara Governor Dr Zeti mentioned that Malaysia inflation rate will maintain within 2% and still within control. Sometime I am really wondering how do they compute the inflation rate.. In view that almost everything has increase for more than 5-10%. Some of the daily comsume item even increase by 30-50%. But our government still can easily say that our inflation rate is still low.. can anyone tell me why??

Thursday, December 13, 2007

CCSE certfied..

Finally I am done with my Checkpoint certification... hehe.. congratulation to myself.. I am now CCSA, CCSE, CCNA, SCSA, SCNA, GSEC cerfified.. hopefully it will help my job hunting activity in Australia to be smoother.. Next in the queue.. CCNP.. Will start with BCMSN.. wish me luck :)