Monday, February 23, 2009

How do you judge yourself?

Frankly, all these while I have not been very happy with my achievement in life, Or I should say my entire life is so flat and boring, I have not got any real "achievement" at all. However, I am still the happy go lucky type. Happy with what I have currently and who I am.
However, recently I came a cross a company call "Nuffnang" which truly an inspiration. Why am I saying so??? One of the founder, which currently the executive director of the company is only 24 years old as of 2008. Which I start asking myself.. How do I position myself, when someone is only 24 years old is already managing a company with operation across 4 countries..
I was reading on his blog, apparently at the age of 24, he has opportunity to give speech in front of thousands of peoples, he mix around with elite people from difference company to exchange ideas. He attended interviews from TV stations like NTV7, TV3 and TV2. He has been asked by the magazine CLEO, whether he is interested to be in the CLEO 50 most eligible bachelors.
Where the pathetic me still running on the same rat race, thinking of what I can do to escape from the rat race. But it is really "thinking" with no action on it after many many years that I can think of.. Same thing applied to the weight issue. Been thinking on how to trim down.. but gain more instead.. sigh..

Thursday, February 19, 2009



Subject: 誠信漂流記


過了一會兒,"地位"又來了,"誠信"忙喊到:"地位,地位,我是誠信,我想搭你的船回家可以嗎?" . "地位"忙把船劃遠了,回頭對"誠信"說:"不行不行,誠信可不能搭我的船,我的地位來之不易啊!有了你這個誠信我豈不倒霉,並且連地位也難以保住啊!"
隨著一片有節奏的卻不和諧的聲音傳來,"競爭"們乘著小船來了,"誠信"喊道:"競爭, 競爭,我能不能搭你的小船一程?"競爭"們問道:"你是誰,你能給我們多少好處?"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hey, do you know the biggest difference for schooling in Australia and Malaysia??? I still remember back to the good old time.. I always feel very reluctant to go to school, it is always an agony to go to school to face the teacher and the endless homework. Not to forget the humiliating criticism from your teacher if you didn't perform up to her expectation.. Over here, I see it is always encouragement to do better. Encouragement to speak up your opinions. Could this be the reason why westerners are always more outspoken then Asian? It is a common scene in a meeting room which full of Asian to be complete silent, when it is asking for opinions and questions. The system also promote reading habits, I guess this very much help in develop an individual with stronger vocabulary too.

I am seeing a totally difference environment here in Australia. My niece keep asking us when can she go to school again? She asked us, "why it is always holiday? Can I go to school tomorrow?" I seriously doubt she will ask me the same question if she is studying in Malaysia. I sort of gone through her schedule at school.

Monday : Art and German
Tuesday : Music
Wednesday: Mathematic
Thursday : Buddies Day
Friday : Computer and Library

Seriously, this is my school schedule for the pre-primary, I think I will be dying to go to school too :P

Monday, February 16, 2009


Today Melbourne City sky is habouring over by haze and burning smell as a result of the bush fire happening across rural area of Victoria, a lot of my friend wrote to me and concern about whether I am being affect by the bush fire.

Fortunately, I am not, however, it is definitely is an unfortunate event and described as the darkest moment for Australian history since peace time. The death toll I last heared is 181 peoples and about 1000 families losing their home. Everywhere, there are bush fire appeal to help those victims. Personally, I have donated AUD100 on company campaign to raise monies for the victims, my company is going to match every dollars we donated to the event. Which magically make my donation AUD200 for the event. Not taking into consideration of those bush appeal charity foodfair that I went to and try to contribute as much as I can. I can almost feel their pain of losing their loves one and almost everything that they have built up over the years.

However, the haze reminds me of the forest burning event happend few year ago causing the whole Malaysia been harbouring by haze over a month. I am wonder, with the sizeable fire happend in Indonesia, I don't believe if there is any death toll being reported. Is it because the government is covering up the news or there isn't "anyone" living in the forest? Where in develop country like Australia, we can see the bushfire causing 1000 over families to lost their houses and properties. Isn't it ironic? Which is something really puzzling me...

Friday, February 13, 2009

情人节?? 企盼??

哇噻! 这个情人节又有所企盼了.. 不要误会.. 盼的不是情人.. 盼的是比情人更实际的 一千四百万!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


在这公司待了7个月, 好像都没找不到一个出路. 原来把你聘请后.不给你任何工作也是一种折磨.. 那里才是出口啊?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


相信在媒体的大力渲染之下, 大家对维多利亚山火必有所闻吧.收到很多朋友的电邮,问我有没有被影响到.谢谢大家的关心.我的住家比较靠近墨尔本城市, 并没有受影响.

而山火的位置都比较偏僻.以下的地图有显示被山火影响的地区供参考. (Click to expand the map)

Monday, February 09, 2009


从网路上看到的... 呵呵.. 我的是49.. 你呢? :)

将手机号码最后四个数字,先除以八十,再减去整数,剩下的小数(小数点后面的数字)乘以八十,然后将所得结果,对表查阅,即知吉凶。比如:手机号码是 13XX8888888,将8888÷80=111.1,再将111.1-111=0.1,然后0.1×80=8,这个“8”就是你的命运数了,最后你在命运数对表里可以查到你是“吉”了!(如得数是零,便不在测算之列。据说得到这种结果的人,具有非凡特质,以名人猛人居多,所以吉凶之数不需要再来论断了。)

吉凶数字   解释     注解
1    大展鸿图.可获成功 吉
2    一盛一衰.劳而无功 凶
3    蒸蒸日上.百事顺遂 吉
4    坎坷前途.苦难折磨 凶
5    生意欣荣.名利双收 吉
6    天降幸运.可成大功 吉
7    和气致祥.必获成功 吉
8    贯彻志望.成功可期 吉
9    独营无力.财利无望 凶
10   空费心力.徒劳无功 凶
11   稳健着实.必得人望 吉
12   薄弱无力.谋事难成 凶
13   天赋吉运.能得人望 吉
14   是成是败.惟靠坚毅 凶
15   大事成就.一定兴隆 吉
16   成就大业.名利双收 吉
17   有贵人助.可得成功 吉
18   顺利昌隆.百事亨通 吉
19   内外不合.障碍重重 凶
20   历尽艰难.焦心忧劳 凶
21   专心经营.善用智慧 吉
22   怀才不遇.事不如意 凶
23   名显四方.终成大业 吉
24   须靠自力.能奏大功 吉
25   天时地利.再得人格 吉
26   波澜起伏.凌驾万难 凶
27   一盛一衰.可守成功 凶带吉
28   青云直上.才略奏功 吉
29   吉凶参半.得失相伴 凶
30   名利双收.大业成就 吉
31   池中之龙.成功可望 吉
32   智慧慎始.必可昌隆 吉
33   灾难不绝.难望成功 凶
34   中吉之数.进退保守 吉
35   波澜重叠.常陷穷困 凶
36   逢凶化吉.风调雨顺 吉
37   名虽可得.利则难获 凶带吉
38   光明坦途.指日可待 吉
39   一盛一衰.浮沉不定 吉带凶
40   天赋吉运.前途无限 吉
41   事业不专.十九不成 吉带凶
42   忍耐自重.转凶为吉 吉带凶
43   事难遂愿.贪功好进 凶
44    绿叶发枝.一举擅吉
45   坎坷不平.艰难重重 凶
46   有贵人助.可成大业 吉
47   名利俱全.繁荣富贵 吉
48   遇吉则吉.遇凶则凶 凶
49   吉凶互见.一成一败 吉带凶
50   一盛一衰.浮沉不常 吉带凶
51   雨过天青.即获成功 吉
52   盛衰参半.先吉後凶 吉带凶
53   虽倾全力.难望成功 凶
54   外观隆昌.内隐祸患 吉带凶
55   事与愿违.终难成功 凶
56   努力经营.时来运转 吉
57   浮沉多端.始凶终吉 凶带吉
58   遇事犹疑.难望成事 凶
59   心迷意乱.难定方针 凶
60   云遮半月.百隐风波 吉带凶
61   烦闷懊恼.事事难展 凶
62   万物化育.繁荣之象 吉
63   十九不成.徒劳无功 凶
64   吉运自来.能享盛名 吉
65   内外不和.信用缺乏 凶
66   事事如意.富贵自来 吉
67   不失先机.可望成功 吉
68   动摇不安.常陷逆境 凶
69   惨淡经营.难免贫困 凶
70   吉凶参半.惟赖勇气 吉带凶
71   得而复失.难以安顺 凶
72   安乐自来.自然吉祥 吉
73   如无智谋.难望成功 凶
74   吉中带凶.进不如守 吉带凶
75   此数大凶.破产之象 凶
76   先苦後甘.不致失败 吉带凶
77   有得有失.华而不实 吉带凶
78   前途无光.希望不大 凶
79   得而复失.枉费心机 吉带凶
80   最极之数.能得成功 吉

Friday, February 06, 2009


近日闹得沸沸扬扬的霹雳政权,在一个默默无名的许月凤选择了违背她的选民,而转向投靠“异己”当“汉奸“。 如果理由是因为她的“副议长”待遇和一般的州议员没两样。 那这人民委以重托的代仪士。 未免也太以自我为中心了吧?那她参选的目的实在令人质疑。不过,我国的政治也太儿戏了。。 说变就变。。 我想这位“许月凤“现在应该是恶名远昭, 成为了过街老鼠了吧?人要一朝成名,还真的有很多方式阿!可是这种方式我可不敢苟同..

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


不知道可以期待些什么。。 唯有期待中大奖咯!! :)

Monday, February 02, 2009


总觉得世界还是在转动,而我还是原地不动。。 时间一分一秒的流逝。。 我还是6年前的我。哦。。 唯一的改变就是贱肉横生了几十斤。其他的。。 都没有进展。我是否已经到了一个瓶颈?要如何突破呢?